Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Day The Class Of 2016 - 955 Words

Friends, family, faculty and peers, we are gathered here today to celebrate a supposedly joyous and momentous day in all of our lives. Today is the day the class of 2016 turns a page in the book of life and begins a new chapter adequately entitled: the real world. What will we inherit beyond high school? I wish I could forecast to all of you an idealistic image of optimism, but if I did, I would be lying. Sadly, we ve all been lied to enough already. Standing here today, I see a foreboding, ominous, storm brewing in the distance. What is to blame? The educational system that has so commonly failed all of us; a sentiment we have grown accustomed to. We all know the world is changing at a lightning fast speed, and so, if we don’t want to be behind we all must adapt to its accelerating speed. To be frank, this is the daunting task that will make or break all of our futures. No longer is a successful education about storing knowledge in our heads. If we need to find information about a topic all we need to do is ask Google, and within a fraction of a second Google finds millions of pages of information about our inquiry. So then the question arises, what role must education play in tomorrow, and even today s, society? The answer is quite simple; what education needs to be about is teaching students what to do with the billions of gigabytes of information that is a simple mouse click away. This leads me to the unsettling part, our past four years of high school, and,Show MoreRelatedProposal For Services For First Class Automotive Repair1081 Words   |  5 PagesINDUSTRIES PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES For First Class Automotive Repair OVERVIEW Omnibus Industries is pleased to submit this proposal for services to assist First Class Automotive Repair with expanding its operation, both online and offline by providing a complete web presence solution and marketing strategy. 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